As a silver partner, you gain access to over 1,400 members from various Texas police agencies. Additional benefits include receiving a quarter-page ad in the TPCA Digital Magazine, quarterly ads in the Weekly Bulletin, having your logo with a link on the Texas Police Chiefs Association website, one TPCA Executive Board attendance with a brief presentation, access to the TPCA Weekly Bulletin, priority choice of a complimentary booth at the annual Texas Police Chiefs Association Conference, exclusive access to the TPCA conference attendee list, and a 60-second commercial at the general conference assemblies. To become a silver partner, please click the logo below.
A special thank you to BKV Group, BRW Architects, CrossCountry Mortgage, Federal Signal, First Arriving, Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions, Magnet Forensics, Mark43, Reconview, and Sames Fleet Sales for being our Silver Partners.