Platinum Partner

As a platinum partner, you gain access to over 1,400 members from various Texas police agencies. Additional benefits include receiving a full-page ad in the TPCA Digital Magazine, two monthly ads in the Weekly Bulletin, two emailed articles to TPCA members annually, having your logo with a link on the Texas Police Chiefs Association website, attendance to all TPCA Executive Board meetings with a brief presentation, a board dinner, access to the TPCA Weekly Bulletin, receiving a premiere location of a complimentary booth at the annual Texas Police Chiefs Association Conference, exclusive access to the TPCA pre- and post-conference attendee list, and a 120-second commercial played before general conference assemblies. To become a platinum partner, please click the logo below.

A special thank you to AxonBlauer, Cardiac SolutionsCritical Response Group, Civic MarketplacePM AM HCMSkydioTMLirp, Transfinder, and Virtual Academy for being our Platinum Partners.


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