Gold Partner


Becoming a gold partner provides you with exclusive perks, including connecting with over 1,400 members across various Texas police agencies. Enjoy benefits like a half-page ad in the TPCA Digital Magazine, monthly ads in the Weekly Bulletin, emailed articles to TPCA members annually, prominent logo placement with a link on the Texas Police Chiefs Association website, two TPCA Executive Board attendances with a brief presentation, access to the TPCA Weekly Bulletin, a complimentary booth at the annual Texas Police Chiefs Association Conference at a select location, exclusive access to the TPCA conference attendee list, and a 90-second commercial at the general conference assemblies. Click the logo below to become a gold partner today.

A special thank you to Angel ArmorBrinkley Sargent Architects, Digi Security SystemsFinancial CopNational Child ID, Off Duty ManagementPeregrine, and The Police App for being our Gold Partners.


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